1. Your medical symptoms
Because why go to a doctor when you have the internet at your disposal and you can easily diagnose yourself as definitely having the mumps?
2. This sort of very basic information
Because sometimes you just need a clear answer.
3. Cool slang/abbreviations
*covertly Googles ‘what does bae mean’ after it’s brought up in conversation*
4. The relationship status of your celebrity crushes
We all do it.
No need to be ashamed.
5. Panicked questions about your general lifestyle/bad habits
6. As well as questions as to how you can best maintain your bad habits
7. How to spell words so you can copy and paste them
See: “pyhsco”
Or, as it’s otherwise known, the maddeningly difficult “psycho”.
8. These paranoid questions about your internet activity
9. Answers to these very important questions
Really, though: who among us hasn’t Googled something to the effect of “what to write in cover letter” or “best way lay out CV”?
Without Google, none of us would have jobs.
10. Period is a day late, so you must be pregnant. Commence Googling!
Related searches:
- can you get pregnant just by worrying too much about being pregnant
- can you get pregnant if you haven’t even had sex
- can you get pregnant if you had a dream you were pregnant
11. Whether or not you can microwave certain food items
Anything for an easier life.
Because our laziness truly knows no bounds.